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August 26

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Today in History
• 1629 - Cambridge Agreement, Massachusetts Bay Company stockholders agree to emigrate
• 1641 - West India Company conquers Sao Paulo de Loanda, Angola
• 1682 - English astronomer Edmond Halley first observes the comet named after him
• 1748 - The first Lutheran denomination in North America, is founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
• 1791 - John Fitch granted US patent for his working steamboat
• 1843 - American inventor Charles Thurber patents a typewriter
• 1873 - First free kindergarten in the U.S. started by Susan Blow in Carondelet
• 1895 - Electric generator at Niagara Falls produces first power
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Holidays - Traditional and Obscure
• National Cherry Popsicle Day
• National Day of Repentance
• National Dog Day
• National Spark the World Day
• National Toilet Paper Day
• National WebMistress Day
• Women’s Equality Day
• International Bat Night
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• 1540 - King Magnus of Livonia
• 1596 - Frederik V, king of Bohemia (White Mountain)
• 1740 - Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, French balloonists (invented Montgolfier balloon)
• 1743 - Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, father of modern chemistry
• 1792 - Manuel Oribe, Uruguayan politician and nationalist, 2nd President of Uruguay (1835-38)
• 1820 - James Harlan, American politician (Rep-Iowa), US Secretary of Interior (1865-66)
• 1873 - Lee De Forest, American inventor (Audion vacuum (radio) tube)
• 1875 - John Buchan, Scottish politician, Governor-General of Canada (1935-40)