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February 24

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Today in History
• 1389 - Battle at Falkoping: Danes defeat King Albert of Sweden
• 1527 - Ferdinand of Austria crowned as king of Bohemia
• 1530 - 1st imperial coronation by a Pope, Charles V crowned by Clement V
• 1541 - Santiago, Chile founded by Pedro de Valvidia (or 2/12)
• 1582 - Pope Gregory XIII announces New Style (Gregorian) calendar
• 1786 - Charles Cornwallis appointed governor-general of India
• 1803 - Supreme Court 1st rules a law unconstitutional (Marbury vs. Madison)
• 1863 - Arizona was organized as a territory
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Holidays - Traditional and Obscure
• Dragobete
• Estonia Independence Day
• Flag Day Mexico
• National Trading Card Day
• Sweden Finns Day
• World Bartender Day
• Yukon Heritage Day
• Whooping Crane Festival
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• 1103 - Emperor Toba of Japan
• 1500 - Carlos V, King of Spain, 1516-56, Holy Roman Emperor
• 1547 - John of Austria, military leader, and governor of the Netherlands
• 1557 - Matthias, Holy Roman emperor (1612-19)
• 1786 - Wilhelm Karl Grimm, Hanau Germany, story teller, Grimm's Fairy Tales
• 1811 - Daniel A. Payne, Bishop/reformer/educator of AME Church
• 1831 - Georg Leo earl von Caprivi, German chancellor/premier of Prussia
• 1885 - Chester Nimitz, U.S. Admiral, commanded Pacific fleet in WW II