Today in History
• 1776 - "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine was published
• 1861 - Florida seceded from the United States
• 1863 - The first underground passenger railway, the Metropolitan, opened in London
• 1870 - John D. Rockefeller incorporated Standard Oil
• 1928 - The Soviet Union ordered the exile of Leon Trotsky
• 1946 - The first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly took place
• 1963 - The Chicago Cubs became the first baseball club to hire an athletic director
• 1984 - The U.S. and the Vatican reestablished diplomatic relations after a 117-year break
Holidays - Traditional and Obscure
• League of Nations Day
• National Bittersweet Chocolate Day
• National Houseplant Appreciation Day
• National Save The Eagles Day
• National Shareholders Day
• National Shop For Travel Day
• Peculiar People Day
• Poetry at Work Day
• 1480 - Margaret of Austria, Regent of the Netherlands
• 1607 - Isaac Jogues, French Jesuit missionary and martyr
• 1644 - Louis Boufflers, French soldier and marshal of France
• 1738 - Ethan Allen, American Revolutionary War patriot
• 1750 - Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron Erskine, British Lord Chancellor
• 1769 - Michel Ney, French marshal (Waterloo)
• 1841 - George Melville, American polar explorer and naval engineer
• 1864 - George Washington Carver, African-American agricultural scientist