Today in History
• 1030 - Battle of Stiklestad - Norwegian King Olaf II killed trying to reclaim the throne
• 1221 - Emperor Go-Horikawa aged 10 years old ascends to the throne of Japan
• 1609 - Samuel de Champlain shoots and kills two Iroquois chiefs at Ticonderoga
• 1655 - Biggest townhall in the world opens in Amsterdam
• 1715 - 10 Spanish treasure galleons sunk off Florida coast by a hurricane
• 1786 - 1st newspaper published west of Alleghanies, Pitts Gazette
• 1794 - African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in Philadelphia, dedicated
• 1835 - 1st sugar plantation in Hawaii established
Holidays - Traditional and Obscure
• International Decora Day
• International Tiger Day
• National Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day
• National Chicken Wing Day
• National Lasagna Day
• Paddle for Perthes Disease Awareness Day
• Rain Day
• Wallis and Futuna Territory Day
• 1166 - Henry II of Champagne
• 1620 - Nicolaas Heinsius, Dutch philologist/diplomat
• 1796 - Walter HuntWalter Hunt, American inventor (safety pin, sewing machine)
• 1797 - Daniel Drew, American financier
• 1841 - Armauer Hansen, Norwegian physician (1st to identify leprosy as bacteria)
• 1846 - Isabel, Princess Imperial of Brazil
• 1861 - Alice Hathaway Lee Roosevelt, 1st wife of Theodore Roosevelt
• 1883 - Benito Mussolini, Il Duce, Fascist Italian dictator, 1922-43