Today in History
• 1184 BC - Trojan War: Troy is sacked and burned, according to calculations by Eratosthenes
• 1144 - Basilica of St Denis is dedicated near Paris, the first fully Gothic church
• 1429 - Hundred Years' War: The start of the Battle of Jargeau (France)
• 1517 - Sir Thomas Pert reaches Hudson Bay
• 1578 - England grants Sir Humphrey Gilbert a patent to explore and colonize North America
• 1644 - Scientist Evangelista Torricelli describes his invention of the mercury barometer
• 1742 - Benjamin Franklin invents his Franklin stove
• 1770 - Captain James Cook discovers Great Barrier Reef off Australia
Holidays - Traditional and Obscure
• Belmont Stakes
• King Kamehameha Day
• National Cancer Thriver Day
• National Corn on the Cob Day
• National German Chocolate Cake Day
• Race Unity Day
• Say Hi Day
• Yarn Bombing Day
• 1456 - Anne Neville, English queen, wife of Richard III of England
• 1696 - Francis Edward James Keith, Scottish soldier and Prussian field marshal
• 1719 - Franz K von Velbruck, German free mason/prince-bishop of Luik
• 1807 - James F. Schenck, American rear admiral (Mexican–American War)
• 1829 - Hendrik Gerhard, Founder (Dutch Social-Democratic)
• 1842 - Carl von Linde, German engineer and chemist who invented mechanical refrigeration
• 1847 - Millicent Fawcett, English leader of women's rights
• 1867 - Charles Fabry, French physicist, discoverer of ozone layer in upper atmosphere