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June 23

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Today in History
• 930 - World's oldest parliament, the Iceland Parliament, established
• 1532 - Henry VIII and Francois I sign secret treaty against Emperor Charles V
• 1645 - Cretan War begins with attack by Ottoman navy on Venetian-held coast of Crete
• 1683 - William Penn signs friendship treaty with Lenni Lenape indians in Pennsylvania
• 1713 - The French residents of Acadia are given one year to declare allegiance to Britain
• 1775 - 1st regatta held on river Thames, England
• 1784 - 1st US balloon flight (13 year old Edward Warren)
• 1868 - Christopher Latham Sholes patents the Sholes and Glidden typewriter
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Holidays - Traditional and Obscure
• Estonia Victory Day
• International Olympic Day
• International Widows' Day
• Jura Independence Day
• National Day of Luxembourg
• National Take Your Dog to Work Day
• National Typewriter Day
• Women in Engineering Day
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• 47 BC - Caesarion [Ptolemy XV Caesar], Last pharaoh of ancient Egypt (44BC-30BC)
• 1160 - John of Matha, Christian saint and founder of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity
• 1456 - Margaret of Denmark, wife of James III of Scotland
• 1763 - Josephine Martiniques, empress of France, 1804-14
• 1818 - Simon Vissering, Dutch economist/minister of Finances, 1879-81
• 1849 - John Hunn, American businessman and 51st Governor of Delaware
• 1894 - Edward VIII, King of Great Britian/Northern Ireland/empero of India, 1936
• 1902 - Howard T. Engstrom, born in Boston, computer designer, UNIVAC