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November 7

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Today in History
• 1492 - Ensisheim Meteorite strikes a field near the village of Ensisheim in Alsace, France
• 1637 - Anne Hutchinson tried in Massachusetts Bay Colony as a heretic
• 1665 - 1st edition of "London Gazette" published as "The Oxford Gazette"
• 1800 - It becomes illegal for women in Paris to wear trousers without a Police permit
• 1805 - Lewis and Clark Expedition first sights the Pacific Ocean
• 1820 - James Monroe re-elected US president
• 1848 - General Zachary Taylor elected as 12th President of US
• 1876 - Edward Bouchet is 1st African American to receive a Ph.D from a US college (Yale)
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Holidays - Traditional and Obscure
• Election Day
• Melbourne Cup Day
• National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
• National Cancer Awareness Day
• National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
• National Hug a Bear Day
• National Retinol Day
• Notary Public Day
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• 630 - Constans II, Byzantine emperor (641-668)
• 1656 - Walraad the Younger, earl of Nassau-Ottweiler/Governor of Nimegen
• 1728 - James Cook, explorer, navigator, the first European to explore much of Australia
• 1832 - Andrew Dickson White, historian and educator, 1st President of Cornell University
• 1860 - Jean-Baptiste Eugène Estienne, French general (Father of The Tank)
• 1867 - Marie Curie, Polish-French scientist who discovered radium
• 1876 - Culbert Olson, American lawyer and politician (Gov-D-Cal)
• 1896 - Herbert O'Connor, 51st Governor of Maryland