Today in History
• 1641 - Catholic uprising in Ulster: 1000s English and Scots killed
• 1774 - 1st display of the word "Liberty" on a flag, by colonists in Massachusetts
• 1797 - The USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) is launched in Boston
• 1858 - In Paris, the Can-Can is 1st performed
• 1868 - Severe earthquake at 7:53 AM, centered in Hayward, California
• 1869 - 1st shipment of fresh oysters comes overland from Baltimore
• 1871 - 1st U.S. amateur outdoor athletic games (NY)
• 1915 - 1st transatlantic radiotelephone message, Arlington, Virginia to Paris
Holidays - Traditional and Obscure
• Armed Forces Day in Honduras
• Celebration of the Mind Day
• Honduran Army Day
• Maha Saptami
• Nepal: Phulpati
• Police Commemoration Day
• President Ndadaye's Day
• Trafalgar Day
• 1449 - George, Duke of Clarence, brother of Edward IV and Richard III
• 1650 - Jean Bart, French captain/sea hero (Escape from Plymouth)
• 1675 - Emperor Higashiyama of Japan
• 1757 - Pierre Augereau, Marshal of France and duc de Castiglione
• 1833 - Alfred Nobel, chemist who invented dynamite and founded the Nobel Prizes
• 1839 - Georg von Siemens, founder (Deutsche Bank)
• 1898 - Amedeo duke of Aosta, viceroy of Ethiopia/gov-gen of Italian East-Africa
• 1906 - Lillian Asplund, last American Titanic survivor