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September 10

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Today in History
• 1349 - Jews who survived a massacre in Constance Germany are burned to death
• 1547 - English demand Edward VI (10) wed Mary Queen of Scots
• 1608 - John Smith elected president of Jamestown colony council, Virginia
• 1776 - George Washington asks for a spy volunteer, Nathan Hale volunteers
• 1823 - Simón Bolívar named President of Peru
• 1846 - Elias Howe takes out a US patent for a lockstitch sewing machine
• 1894 - London taxi driver George Smith is the first to be fined for drunk driving
• 1910 - Great Idaho Fire destroys 3 million acres of timber
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Holidays - Traditional and Obscure
• Day of the Homeland
• Gibraltar National Day
• Grandparents Day
• National TV Dinner Day
• St. George's Caye Day
• Top Up Day
• White Balloon Day
• World Suicide Prevention Day
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• 1169 - Alexios II Komnenos, Byzantine emperor
• 1561 - Hernando Arias de Saavedra, Spanish-American colonial governor
• 1638 - Maria Theresa of Spain, Queen of Louis XIV of France
• 1736 - Carter Braxton, American farmer and signer (Declaration of Independence)
• 1753 - John Soane, English architect (Bank of England, Soane Museum)
• 1839 - Isaac Kauffman Funk, American publisher (Funk and Wagnalls)
• 1852 - Alice Brown Davis, first female Principal Chief of the Seminole Tribe of Oklahoma
• 1887 - Giovanni Gronchi, Italian politician, President of Italy (1955-62)